Sunday, August 11, 2013

DayZ: A hero's guide to Bandits

Recently I got into playing a game called DayZ. I've been playing it pretty extensively and I feel pretty happy in saying that I have managed to get pretty good at playing it.

DayZ is a zombie survival horror set a few years after the initial zombie outbreak in a region called Chernarus in south east Russia.
Officially, there are two enemies in the game: Zombie's - in their infinite numbers and other players - a.k.a: the Smart Ones.

Zombies will kill you for your flesh, other players, called Bandits, will kill you for your loot. Or just for the fun of it really.

So, I present to you:


Identify your enemy:

For reference, this here is a bandit:

This is a Hero:
And this lot are general survivors. This rag tag bunch haven't yet changed their skin:
Seen a general survivor? Assume their going to want to kill you.

Now, there is a highly distinctive visual difference between bandits and heros. Bandits have a facemask covering their face and wear dark coloured clothes. Hero's have a checkered shirt and blue jeans. Hero's are friendly - Bandits arent.

Of course, you might come across some friendly survivors. Teaming up with them could be helpful, but only if your sure that they won't shoot you in the back for your lovely M4A3 CCO.

Chances of survival

Most bandits aren't stupid, but there are the odd one or two that do dumb things. Either way, assume that the bandit you think is following you already has your head targeted through his scope.

DayZ doesn't feature anything handy like last stands or infinite healthpacks. Bullets are deadly and headshots are instant kills. There's no energy shields here to keep you alive buddy.

Realistically, your best chance of surviving a bandit is to be in a large group of three or more. Bandits can easily take down two people in a few shots, killing the first and before the second has time to react and get to cover, killing him. Bandits rarely work in groups, as dispute's over who gets the nice gun usually result in the person who shoots first getting it.

In all truth and honesty, bandits don't want to get killed. Realistically, their little sleezebags who would rather steal from other people than go looting abandoned buildings. But if they lose their stuff, you'll usually hear some raging on side chat.

As such, sticking to a large group will greatly assist in survival against a bandit.

But what if your all alone braving the wilderness? All I can really say is a few things, shoot first and ask questions later, stick to places where you cant be seen and for goodness sake, an open field is NEVER safe. It's good practise to stay hidden, even if your all alone on a server.

His Humble Hunting Grounds

First and foremost, assume that a bandit can appear ANYWHERE at ANYTIME. However, there are supposedly designated bandit hunting grounds. Bandits usually stalk these areas because of it's high loot volume, which thus attracts players: A.K.A: Their little play things.

 (Note: You will probably need to enlarge this map to read the locations clearly.
Red = Bandit heavy
Yellow = Not many bandits
Blue = You actually MET someone here?

Balota Airport, Chernogorsk and Elektrozavodsk (Often abbreviated to Cherno and Elektro respectively in chat) are big hunting grounds for Bandits. Elektro has a powerstation with a tower that can see across the whole town, thus giving a bandit a good place to snipe from.

The North West Airstrip also has a number of military Barracks and hangars which feature excellent industrial and military loot. Since the whole place is flat, a bandit can hide in a tree and start firing off rounds without being seen.

Berezino on the east coast isnt AS populated by bandits - most people coming here are really only interested in the multitude of industrial loot and it's probably one of the most depopulated regions in the game. That being said, the airstrip north of Krasnostav is dangerous. A bandit can hide at the top of a radio pylon to the North East and snipe right to the far end of town if his aim is good.

Yellow areas don't feature nearly as many bandits. BUT. This does NOT mean you wont find them here! Staroye is an isolated town in the yellow zone that I classified as red, as i've heard plenty of times over chat that they like to hang out there - survivors often stop at Staroye after heading north from Elektro.

In Blue Area's, your actually pretty unlikely to find anyone at all, but the biggest reason is that in most cases, there's nothing there. Although there are a number of villages, most of them arent that worthwhile in looting, so if you keep heading a bit north or west, there's some really good spots for hiding your loot in cars or tents.

Killing a Bandit

Shoot him in the head. Duh...

Or, where possible, get up behind him and put a few rounds in his back. This is most easily achieved by having something to distract him - for example a fellow survivor. Smart bandits will often quickly check behind them, but can't check for long. Thus, if you can be sure their distracted, your bullets will get him before his get you.

A Bandits Treasure

If a bandit has been around for a long time, you can almost be certain that they have some of the best loot in the game. Most of the time, a bandit will actually have sniper rifles like the DMR or the SVD Dragunov - both excellent rifles.
However, in saying this, your equally likely to get some pretty bad loot after that long ten minute firefight. Since most of the loot on a bandit is dependant on what they picked up from other players, that means your subject to the same rule as well.

Final Words

Bandits are fairly cowardly but also extremely dangerous. Never EVER trust a bandit unless you know them personally in REAL LIFE. Bandits will happily shoot other bandits.

Happy hunting.

Thursday, July 25, 2013

I have a dream... But Martin ain't in it...

I recently had the most weridist dream. Unfortunately, it wasnt a lucid dream so that basically means I was along for the ride, still it was a good dream.

Through means that I will never understand, I was granted the knowledge of two things: Unbelievably efficient renewable energy generation and the ability to create a hyperdrive.

Now, your immediate thoughts are probably something like "Oh here we go, another spaceship story"
Well shut up. Because your right. (Stupid foresight)
I had no idea what to do aside from writing it all down on paper, which became a serious problem for my family and close friends because it utterly consumed my time. Apparently I managed to stay in the house for three weeks, refusing to leave my room except for food and hygene requirements. You can imagine what my work boss would have said.

Regardless, one thousand A3 page diagrams later, a sore hand and not enough coke, I completed drawing the plans. Huzzah! Now, obviously, nobody actually believed me that these plans were genuine (Including my family) until I built a scaled down, very busted version of the Energy Particle Generator which basically took the house off the national grid and therefore scaling back our power bill massively.

Now, naturally, news travels and pretty soon I had a reporter show up on the doorstep asking about this near infinite power generator. Well, naturally they were not very impressed at looking at a device that looked like a tin can attached to a wrapping paper tube. Either way, my new invention made headlines... For three days.

All of a sudden, three days later, the suits show up. Oh goody goody, we all know what happens here. They want to trade for the plans or they'll come back later with a gun and a crowbar and a black van. Actually, they had the black van the first time. Kinda werid. I did what happens in all the movies, I said Nooooope. They didn't offer me what I wanted. Did I want money? Suprisingly enough, no I did not want money. Because a measly Subway Giftcard was not enough to satisfy me (But I do like Subway... someone write that down for later)

Actually, what I wanted was a big corporation with lots of excess money to spend FOR me. I'm no economist, that's their job. So apparently I teamed up with some US based firm that was all like "Let's go to the moon!" and I was all like "Haha, let's go to Pluto"

Once I accidentally hyperdrove one of their warehouses into pluto itself, they were sold on the idea. Really hope there was nobody inside that warehouse when it and several chunks of ground went with it...


So, about a month and several million dollars later, a massive underground chamber had been dug in order for construction of the ship to begin. It was built into the side of a mountain, so that the ship could just fly straight out. I thought that was a pretty cool idea at the time.

However, eventually tension built up. The head of the corporation grew sick and tired of the fact that I barely talked to him about the progress when he called and stuff, but this was actually due to the fact I was too busy drawing up plans for the darn thing and it was consuming my day like the previous diagrams had done (Probably more so than before)

In a fit of rage, he kinda told me to stop working on the ship and go and hire a secretary to handle communication. I have no idea what drove me to do so, but I decided to immediately head to the nearest university, sign a deal with a lecturer and take on a class for a day. My plan was to find a secretary from one of these bunch. I ran them through several different tests, each designed to stress them extremely mentally (Not really physically... Though one guy did through a desk through a window and that was funny)

Eventually, after half the class had left after I drained them of their energy, there was one girl who had managed to stay calm the entire time (Can't remember her name though, darn dream memory failures!) and only broke a light sweat (Made sure that happened, just to prove she was human and not some evil android FROM TEH FUTURE!). So she was hired and graduated on the spot and then everything was back on track for the construction.

The process was really simple, she does what I say, doesn't disturb me in my office (I GOTS MY OWN OFFICE IT WAS AWESOME) and also follows me around writing down anything important as I walk about the construction zone; stuff like the hull foreman telling me that "we are out of Tritanium... again!". I have no idea what Tritanium is, but it sounds expensive and important. So my secretary dealt with that.


Pretty soon, the ship looked like this.
Which was kinda the look I was going for. (Oh who am I kidding, I drew up the darn thing on paper! It's exactly how I envisioned it)

So we built it and it was done and then there was a huge congratulations ceremony on it's completion. A hippie tried to assault me saying it was going to blow up the planet but... well... yea, dunno what happened to him.

So we did all the checking systems stuff and then boom, we all died.

Just kidding! Nothing went wrong, we moved forward (The pilot was rather giddy with excitement) and out of the launch bay and up into the stars, a perfect start.

Then I woke up.


Monday, June 24, 2013

Xbox One: The Great Debate

I want to firstly acknowledge one true fact.

I am buying an Xbox One.

Anyone else is free to do what they want.

I felt like writing about the great debate that is supposedly running amok on the internet concerning the Xbox One. I'm actually sick and tired of seeing the number of rants that people are getting up in arms about concerning it.

The most curious factor is the fact that people are idiots - and yes, I did just say that.
When Xbox 360 was about to be released, people said the exact same thing that they do now - that it was a bad idea and that everything about it was bad. And yet, here we are today, it vastly overpowered Playstation 2 and 3 (That's a fact - not an opinion) in terms of sales.

Alot of people mostly brought to attention the 'concern' over it's need to constantly be connected to the internet - and dial home once every 24 hours. The problem is apparently privacy. Honestly, I am avidly certain that every single person who has accessed the internet is liable for criminal charges.

If you don't want to be liable for criminal charges, then you'll not only need to agree but FULLY READ the terms and conditions on EVERY website you EVER visit. And you'll need to re-read them if they ever change.

That means your liable for:
 - Watching movies/TV illegally
 - Downloading movies/TV illegally
 - Downloading games illegally
 - Hacking anything... obviously illegal.

So, yes Jim. I'm looking at you in the back. And you Christie.

Microsoft, however, has come back and removed the constantly connected feature. So be happy.

To be completely honest, with just how much illegal activity is conducted on the internet, I'm actually surprised that governments around the world havent declared a digital form of martal law on the internet.

World, your stupid.

Your really stupid...

Thursday, June 13, 2013

The concept of Normality

For the record, "Normality" is a word.

I tend to talk to myself alot when nobody else is around... and quietly when other people are around, and some of the conversations I have had with myself would probably fit on the level of locking me away for a short while.

Actually, I havent seen the list of requirements. The point is, I came up with a rather interesting theory today while walking down to the shops to buy brocolli. Now, as you may or may not know, I really don't like brocolli. So I needed to think about something else to maintain my minimum level of sanity.
"What do we define as normal?

A most curious question, if not completely impossible to give a solid one scentence answer. If you did ask me to do that though, I'd just say No.
I really think the only correct way to define what we consider is normal is to consider what is socially acceptable and what is a social custom. Even if your a person who doesn't agree to either of those terms, chances are you do it.

Why? Because that's what you do. That's normal for you. Face it, we're all normal. Except me. I'm a crazy person remember. I use my keyboard as a guitar.
So, considering the logic of normality, I figured I'd work out some basic things that are considered normal, starting from the plainly obvious working right up to ones that you probably didn't think of.

1. Wearing clothes.
      - Well, that should be obvious. It's normal to wear clothes. It's also logical, they keep you warm and for some people, wearing fashionable clothes is a way of life, it's normal for them.
2. A maintained level of autonomy
     - You could argue over the logic of what we call autonomy as well, but since we are talking about what is normal, let's just both agree that sometimes you do things because it's your job and the alternative is sleeping on the streets. Hooray for capitalism!
 3. Ettiquite
     - Let's face it, there are still some thirty year olds out there who will and WANT to eat everything with their hands, looking in fear upon a knife and fork. But let's face it, everyone draws the line somewhere. That line is what makes you work out what needs a pitchfork to the face, and alternatively a well drawn out document as to WHY you should have a pitchfork to the face but will instead have a knife in the gut.


But hold on, what if we change something around? What if we introduce something that isn't normal? Of course, in this new world, such a thing would now be considered normal. For the sake of you reading this and me typing it, let's embrace change. (Yeesh!)

What if we, for example, considered carrying firearms normal? Yes, I'm talking about every single person in the world just casually carrying a gun around with them. I think the world would have a very different meaning. Think about it, you would expect anyone who served in Vietnam to walk around with their trusty M4A1. Rich business people would have something shiny like a Desert Eagle in their back pocket.

I'm talking normality here on a level like carrying your wallet/purse around. Chances are you'd come across some dumb blonde girls (As you do in weather torn Auckland City) with a pink or light red coloured gun, attempting to make a fashion statement but really asking for a target to be painted on their back.

If you ask me, there would be two choices of weapons for me. Ironically, neither of them existing yet. Which kinda sucks. If I lived several hundred years in the future, then perhaps. I'd probably walk around with a System 99 Anti-Material on my back, a weapon more than capable of picking off targets a kilometer away and even blowing through thick vehicle armor. In my hand? Probably a M45 Tactical Shotgun.

Why a shotgun? Because I've played Halo, and nothing rips through the Flood (For non-halo fan people, they are basically close to zombies) or the Covenant like an M45 did for me. I like me my weapons.

So, what is normality? Well, from what I remember from writing this, apparently it's got something to do with guns. Except I don't think that the average person carries a gun in their back pocket.
Stupid blondes.

Friday, May 10, 2013

It's the little mods that make all the difference

Your about to read a two words. This will have different impacts upon many people, but I'm thinking of a game.

Half Life 2.

Obviously a game that conjures awesomeness, amazingness, epicness and pretty much every other describing word that's cool and starts with a vowel. If you don't know what a vowel is then... ye gads.

Now, combine that title with this word.



Now if only I could find someone to play with...

Sunday, April 14, 2013

When Trainz 12 goes bad

I decided that since the Trainz 12 SP1 Patch was just released and installed, I was going to try the Southern China Passenger Session. Before SP1, I had never been able to complete the session as the AI trains in front either go stuck or came off the tracks - either way, the game blamed me for stuffing up.

So I load up the session and I see... This...

Oddly enough, the locomotive still happily pulls the train, despite the obvious gap...

Edit: Well this is new... Apparently this is happening at the back of the train...

Edit 2: I'm starting to think I have a database corruption...

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Letters - Two Lords

To Lord Bulwark, current Lord of Castle Darius

I write to request your aid in the defense of the Eastern Passage. My scouts have recently informed me of several soldiers crossing the river at a shallow point and I believe that my current station of archers will not be strong enough to resist their advances.

I have been made aware of a number of your forces and to the best of my knowledge, you are not in any immediate danger from threats - indeed you appear to have a surplus of soldiers in your army. I request that you send a group of twenty Long-Swordsmen in order to maintain the defenses. If you have any other soldiers which could aid in the defense, that would also be grateful.

As payment for your aid, I will send 1000 Gold to cover expenses.

Many thanks

Lord Philip


To Lord Philip, current Lord of Castle Basten

Lord Philip, I recognise your need for soldiers. However, what I do not recognise is your lack of soldiers. You appear to have a far grander economy than me, especially since you are quite capable of simply sending me 1000 Gold. I would have thought that your excessive Gold would have been more than enough to train your own troops. Surely one such as yourself should have enough resources to hold off the enemy force?

Lord Bulwark


To Lord Bulwark

Lord Bulwark, while it is true that I do have enough resources and I do have a strong economy, your own kingdom is unique in it's strength of individual troops. Your swordsmen are of a stronger class than my own and right now I am expending my own resources to defend the other two passages from the enemy's advance.

My Steward has handed me a report on the current war and it is clear to me that you, while strong in defense, have made little to no attempt at advancing on the enemy. Your troops are strong - and numerous. Surely they would relish the chance to do battle with the enemy?

I hope you will reconsider not sending your troops to my aid. The enemy is almost upon me and your help would be greatly appreciated.

Lord Philip


To Lord Philip

I am glad that you recognise the strength of my men, for they are indeed formidable. However, I currently have no troops to spare. All of my resources, including troops, are currently preparing the castle for a siege attack from the enemy. I apologise, but I must look to the security of my own kingdom before I can defend another. I hope you understand.

Lord Bulwark


To Lord Bulwark

Lord Bulwark, I do NOT understand. I do not understand at all. The enemy forces are not able to reach you at all without going through me. I already maintain a sizeable force on the Northern Crossings which are currently of sufficient strength to hold off the enemy. However, it is extremely difficult for me to maintain the defenses of three crossings, especially when my ally, safe behind me on the plains, is sitting around building up his castle and not caring about what happens to his friend?

Please, reconsider. I am on the verge of losing The Eastern Crossing to the enemy, and thus, my land may be at risk.

Lord Philip


To Lord Philip

Lord Philip, I see that you indeed are having a difficult time maintaining the defenses of three crossings, but rest assured, I am sure that you are capable of doing so.

I am already building my army with which I will use to crush any resistance. Fear not, all will be made right.

Lord Bulwark


To Lord Bulwark 

Lord Bulwark, your selfish motives have cost me much land and many resources. I have lost access to my Gold and Stone mines and even now the enemy uses my land to support their own troops. As of this moment they have setup camp outside my castle and are preparing to lay siege.

My troops, as valiant as they are, were unable to maintain the defenses of the Northern Crossings after The Eastern Crossing fell. I am being pressed in from two sides and even now my remaining soldiers are not feeling good about the oncoming battle.

I have attempted a rousing speech to increase their morale, but the solid fact is that the odds are stacked well against me.

Please, I am begging you for assistance.

Lord Philip


To Lord Philip

Lord Philip, you ask of my assistance, and I shall give it to you. This will be my last letter to you and I believe you will soon understand why. Please see to reason why I had to do this, as I believe my motives are just and honourable.

As of right now, I have sent a battalion of soldiers to your keep. They will enter respectfully and gracefully and the commanding officer will formally request your surrender. Times of war are upon us and it is in my best interest to make allies of those you made enemies.

Thank you, it has been a pleasure conversing with you.

Lord Bulwark


To Lord Bulwark

Your soldiers have been sent home, the guard standing upon the gatehouse did not even let them in, as per my instructions. If what you say is true, then I have no choice but to end our alliance. You have made an enemy of me, Lord Bulwark. It is something that I promise you will regret. I advise you to rethink your strategy.

After tiring of your inability to reinforce my troops, I took the liberty to inspect the guards of your own castle and create my own backup plan. As you read this, you may notice a large number of soldiers removing the fake colouring from their shields and armour.

My troops have been instructed to let you live, but only to let you surrender your lands. It has not been a pleasure dealing with you, and I am sure that the next commander of the keep will be more trusting.

Lord Philip


Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Final Renders

After finishing the route, here's some photos of the final renders. I'm really happy as to how this route turned out and I will upload it to the DLS as soon as possible.

Monday, March 4, 2013

Chapham Railway Line Update

Just a few more images in response to continued work on the line which I am really enjoying.

If anything, most of my happiness is from the factory which has been hugely updated with a slightly altered layout. It also looks like there's a bit more too it and the rust on everything shows that this place isn't new.

More soon!

Chapham Railway Line

Chapham Railway Line is a small Trainz 12 route that I have been working on over the past two weeks or so. It's a circular route comprised of two baseboards, and can be played either by itself or added onto another route by removing the Portal inside the tunnel and connecting the track.

I'm quite proud of how well I have designed this route. I've gone into considerable detail, even laying large stretches of long grass just to give it that extra realistic feel.

The line itself services a station in a small village and a small factory. There's also a small goods shed which can be used to load and unload general goods vans. To a large extend, the village itself, comprised of all three houses, is extremely quiet, but the station itself was originally designed to service the local area in it's 1960 prime years. Sadly, it's current usage suggests near abandonment.

I've uploaded some screenshots here for you to see and in a few days (Hopefully), it'll be on the DLS...

Sunday, March 3, 2013


Because my amazing powers of deduction fail me at easter egg hunting in Halo 4.

In other news, I started playing Artemis. It's awesome - despite being... social...

Friday, February 1, 2013

Closing a Chapter

I hate this. More than anything. I also really don't want to say it, but I'm finding it so much harder to hold on and I just feel alone in this games universe. However, someone a long time ago once told me that if I ever had a problem, write it down. Except in my case, type it. I'm putting it on my blog. Hate this, love it, I don't particuarly care.

Well over ten years ago, my interest in Dungeon Siege was lit on fire not like a candle or an exploding lightbulb, but like a massive FURNACE OF AWESOMENESS.
For me, Dungeon Siege was an epic game of epic proportions. When it came to ratings, I compared games to Dungeon Siege. Be it strategy, realtime, mmo or cardgames (Yea...) Sadly, it became a game that has been tossed aside by the internet, now only played by a very selective group.

Admittedly, I started playing Dungeon Siege One (The expansion I bought half a year later) when the second one game out and it was still quite a challenge for me. Only two years later, I bought Dungeon Siege II and a short while after that, the expansion to that as well.

To me, this was the penultimate of gaming. NOTHING overrulled Dungeon Siege. Yes, it had flaws. Yes, it wasnt perfect. But I found it was the perfect balance for my style of gameplay. Everything made sense to me, I understood every single game mechanic - I even made several maps and several mods, none of which made it to the internet.

Because I had joined a dead universe. A universe that had already said goodbye to this game and had moved onto different games which appeared more interesting. I tried several of these, but it ultimately came back to "This would be so much more fun if I was playing Dungeon Siege".

Dungeon Siege taught me how to play games, right from being a novice fighter, to an absolute nightmare to my enemies as I cut each one down with my trusty Legendary Bow. I even wielded a flippin awesome looking sword, and my armor was valuable online to other players, who I rarely traded with when I could find a working server. I was great in this game.

I was strong.

I was happy.

But no longer. Microsoft closed down Zonematch without telling anyone. They quietly pushed the off switch on the server and that literally tore a great chunk of happiness out of me. I honestly never considered this possibility of happening. Internet play of Dungeon Siege ended. Or so I thought.
Some guys I didnt know created a new server, pushing pieces of hardware together with bits of software hacked from the zonematch server. Thus, a new server was born.

This lasted one year. Then, hackers decided "Aw, lets be really 'cool' and hack their server! Then we can take it down!"
The server was destroyed and nobody picked up the pieces. Dungeon Siege One multiplayer had ended.

Officially ended.

There was still hope though. Dungeon Siege II online multiplayer still functioned. Unfortuantely, the online servers were terribly buggy and reported players being online and in matches that didnt exist. A played but a very few online games, however I found two friends that I spent a great deal of time in LAN with.

Dungeon Siege was the second crowing achievement in gaming, as far as I was concerned. It was a massive improvement over Dungeon Siege One, even if it was almost infinitely harder. I was a little annoyed by the lack of variety in armour and weapons in comparison to Dungeon Siege One, but I was amazed by the new enchanting system, which basically brought it back in a different form. All actors now had voices, over the original Dungeon Siege giving voices to only the important characters. Virtually everything was improved.

Still however, I was a lone fighter in a dying, empty universe. If your not understanding what it was like, try this example.

Imagine being an amazing soldier, who fights for all that is good and true and whatever. You have everything you need to win any war. But your three years too late for the battle. The fallen have rotted away, leaving only rusty armor and broken bones. The tattered remains of a flag rustle in the low wind. Your alone, and that will never change.

I joined the Dungeon Siege Wikia, hoping to reignite the enjoyment of this game. In wide media, Dungeon Siege joined the ranks of the unheard, nobody knew just how much it had actually affected todays games, especially with dynamic loading and stuff (Dungeon Siege was a winner in the category of only ever having two loading screens. Both were to start the game.)


Two years ago, Square Enix and Obsidian Entertainment announced Dungeon Siege III. I was so overjoyed that I forgave Chris Taylor for being a sellout (He made the original games).

It was terrible. The gameplay was lower than average, the storyline SUCKED and it didnt appeal to me that much. Actually, if anything, the storyline was the WORST part. As a standalone game? Pretty half decent game. Alongside the vivid storyline of Dungeon Siege I and II? TERRIBLE. Reviews were low, just like mine. (They killed off the battle hardened dwarves for petty reasons)

At the start of 2013, Gamespy did to Dungeon Siege what Microsoft did to Dungeon Siege. They closed the servers for the second game. This also prevented LAN from operating, for reasons I'm still trying to discover. I love this game. Why would they do that? It was the final clinch for me, the final reason to stop.


So, I come to a close in my life. I'll still happily play this game with anyone given the chance. I still love this game higher than any other. But I can't fight to keep it alive anymore - and this makes me sad. Really flippin sad. Because I honestly feel like the world showed off this game, and then let it down. It had the chance of being so great, but never truly shined. I honestly even rank it above Halo. Yea, I did just say that.

I've had fun with all the levels.
I've had fun in every battle.
I've made maps that would awe anyone with their beauty.
I've enjoyed every multiplayer game.
I've loved how this influenced my view of games.
I'm really gonna miss this.

Goodbye Lord Philip, the crusader and marksman who saved Ehb, the Utraean Peninsula and the Utraean Race.
Goodbye Eva, queen of the northern reaches and brilliant swordswoman.
Goodbye Lord Philip II, the marksman who became the Hero of the second age and saved the world from Zaramoth reborn after the second cataclysm.
Goodbye Dungeon Siege.

I'll miss you like hell. Thanks for everything. I give my final salute.

Thursday, January 17, 2013

But this is a games blog!

Yes! I know! I'm making a blog about something that ISNT a game! Or about cans!
But it relates to the universe - and since everything relates to the universe in some form or another, that actually makes this blog post legit.


Anyway, what you might not be aware of is that I am a Youtube Cover Lurker. (Person who goes on Youtube and searches up covers for songs). 99% of the time, I am dissapointed and only listen to the first ten seconds, because those ten seconds are terrible and give the internet another reason to send someone to walk the plank.

However, there is one artist that I have noticed who does covers, and I have to admit (Remember, this is coming from me - of all people) that I really do like her music. As in - REALLY - like it. Her username is Malufenix and for those who are too busy/lazy/unemployed/boring to search her up on Youtube, here's a link to her profile:

So go listen to her music. Personally, I recommend "Ignite" and "Frozen Sleep". Both of these are her newer ones and I really love them. It's actually worthy of my Itunes music. And that's saying something.

Go listen to her music.

She honestly didnt pay me to write this...
