Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Phyco Fanaticism

What an interesting subject line. By now, you've probably already asked yourself what the heck am I talking about.
Oh, well, you'll soon understand.

The phycological impacts which we impart on ourselves are actually alot bigger than most people give credit for. Infact, their even bigger when imparted on other people. Their massive on young children, but thats mostly because they assume that because your bigger and older that your more intelligent (Doesn't say much about the people who ditch school at the first opportunity)

Here's a prime example. Did you know that if your head is covered, that the rain does not affect you as much? Your hands, your arms, your legs, could get wet. But ultimately, it comes down to how much water is streaming down your face and has clogged up the wax in your hair (I don't use wax, thank the lord almighty)
This has a profound affect on your speed at which you move through the rain. Of course, its an absolute myth that you get more wet by running through the rain. You actually acquire more water by staying in the rain for longer, A.K.A, walking in the rain.

Maybe thats why people like the dance in the rain...

Another profound thing that I have discovered is that, generally speaking, most people prefer it when someone does a multitude of small good things for someone rather than one large good deed, this also does not affect the distance between the small good deeds, but rather the fact that it was done. I mean, obviously, its a big deal if you stop someone from getting killed, but thats besides the point. COMPLETELY BESIDES THE POINT SO DONT ARGUE!

There's actually also a load of other things that you should notice about other people. If your primary hand is your right hand (You write with your right hand? Thats your primary hand. Its opposite if your left handed) then typically when moving forward, your twice as likely to move to the right for any given reason. Say your in a game and you come to a crossroad that divides into going left or right. Your 25% more likely to take the route on the right despite the fact that there is no difference in route. This, of course, applies in a multitude of situations such as when approaching someone on the street.

Unless. of course, their ambedextrious. Then they always get confused. Funny aye...

It's these small things which not many people take notice of. But hey, knowledge is power. So you just gained a +1 in intelligence for your character by reading this blog entry. Feel proud? I do. I like stats. They make everything make sense...

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