Why? Well, recently in Auckland, the weather has been going CRAZY. The wind recently picked up and I'm pretty sure that I saw someone go flying past my window. However, that isn't entirely relevant.
Actually, the relevant side to this story is how I predicted the change in weather, specifically, the movement of the snow. Yesterday on my Facebook Profile, I posted a status update 'asking' for the snow to move about 600km up the North Island from Wellington. Now, any fool who says that's around the Tauranga area, shut up. Your wrong. Get a map. It's Auckland. So, anyway, I get upstairs this morning, I eat my pie while reading the newspaper and on the front cover, it's all about the snow in Wellington.
LOL. Looks like they finally found a new use for wellies... Yea.. I know... ANYWAY. There was this little box predicting the continuing movement of the snowy weather and apparently it is going to hit the mountains in Auckland. Because I technically live on a mountain, does that include me? =D
I might be getting snow! Anyone want to come and toboggan down my driveway?
By the way, for those who got a map, now you know. I am right, you were wrong.
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