Have any of you ever experienced back pain? I think it's likely. Apparently statistics say that by the time the average person reaches 17, they have felt pain at least once in all parts of their body. Yep, even your eyebrows get tired. And stop hurting your little toe! How would you like it if you hurt your toe from all that running? Tut Tut...
It's quite a fascinating statistic actually. But it can probably be explained quite easily thanks to "Growing Pains". But then again, growing pains never stop. Once you get past the physical ones, you then get the mental ones from overly difficult school work and excessively annoying peers. I can name a few, but I shall choose to not to because I have my serious doubts that they would see any funny aspects in this post.
Well, it's going to be hilarious for me. Sometimes I just find stupid things funny. Yea...
I've discovered that on an average trend, the new year nines at any school, Pakuranga College in particular, are downright annoying, sometimes repulsive and in the worst cases, have excessively bad tastes. I've witnessed some pretty bad things coming from a select few and all I can say is that for now, I'm staying off Youtube.
I've also discovered why. Well, thats because
A: Society is teaching them things that they should NOT be learing AT ALL until they are a minimum age of 15. Seriously. I turn up to school one day early in the year and theres a group of year nines already having everyone pair up with a brand new girlfriend and boyfriend. I don't think most people quite realise that a Boyfriend/Girlfriend is meant to be that special someone, though, not a person you can make out with at any random interval when you get the chance and the teacher happens to not be looking (Or they are looking and they just don't care)
B: Most of them come from Intermediate School where they were Year 8. Yup. Top of the school. Now in Year 9 they are at the bottom and they don't exactly enjoy the idea of giving up power and being of the ruling class. I mean, come on, two on the first day back at school told me to give them a grand tour of the school. They werent asking where any specific rooms were, they practically wanted me to help them out throughout the whole day, doing their work and carrying their bags. Heck no.
But otherwise, school is pretty good. I'm practically student head of anything that is IT related. Yay! I control the power grid. Follow my orders and you wont lose your precious five minutes laptop batteries... Actually, I'm kidding. Despite knowing how to operate the darn thing, I don't have access to the schools power grid... Yet.
I was considering creating a Anti-Annoying-Person Union. The only problem is that it would be a legal requirement for everyone to not find anyone else in the group annoying. I guess that would probably leave out several year nines. Actually, that might work.
I have plans. Plans within plans, that are also embedded into other plans. Sometimes, it's all just totally worth it for the sake of it. Oh, and enjoy this hilarious Youtube Clip I found. (Yea, I know I said I was staying off Youtube, but that was technically three days ago)
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