It's interesting.
Well, maybe for me. Most people find my ramblings to be completely illiterate and boring. It's like talking to one of my... errr... 'friends'... wait. No... 'Associates' in my Drama class whom happens to hate everything in existence. He is insistent of the fact that I have horrible grammar.
Big deal. This is my blog, so what happens is what I say. Woot.
ANYWAY, back on topic. I've always found it to be considerably interesting to work out why living forever is a brilliant idea, but then you get the deeper points and suddenly find that it's gonna suck. Alot.
So I figured, why not break it down? After all, your all here reading this. Either that, or you stumbled here from another dimension. I like the dimension idea better.
The whole idea of living forever can be kinda cool. You could get away with doing anything you wanted. After all, you have the time and since you spent so much money learning how to become immortal, you probably also have the money. You could do anything at all. Take on dangerous tasks, clean up on high yield long term investments and generally outlive the heck out of everybody.
But even the joys of immortality can't last forever. Think about it, after a while, all your friends would simply start to die around you, so you'd only bother to know people for what would actually become quite a short time after a while. Eventually, the years will turn to what feels like months, then weeks, then whole days. The mere idea of when you were born would appear... non-existent.
Oh well. At least life is good enough as it is now. The whole world appears to be heading to a big idealism behind supporting democracy. Just look at the Middle East. Might be run by buffoons such as the Libyan problem, but hey, life is life.
I like life.
I also like pie.
I think I might have also killed the dinosaurs, but that's another story...
I want to hear the other story!