Saturday, June 30, 2012

A bunch of stuff - Plus some plans

I figured I should probably write something up here again now. After all, its been something like four weeks since I told everyone that I had to go, my enemies must be defeated...

So, there's a bunch of new developments in Life and the Universe...


That's right. That's a very important date. Want to know WHY its an important date? BECAUSE I SAID SO YOU TWAT. HALO 4 is realeased on this date, which basically means that I will be disconnected from everything else until I use up every bullet I can from sunrise till sundown over the course of several days. I'm really excited for this and hey, if anyone wants to buy it for me, I'll happily show you a video of me kicking Covenant and Forerunner butt right back to the core of Requeim.

Fire Lord Philip


Well... Thats what they call me now on Facebook. Okay, want the story? It's simple. There was a bunch of wood and there was some petrol. I couldnt help myself. I'm actually smiling at the camera in this shot, but the focus makes it too hard to see my face. You have no idea just how much I love this photo...

In other news, I've recently... uhhh... "acquired" the full version of a game called Kerbal Space Program.
In the most basic sense, you design a spacecraft, launch it, controll it, attempt to get into outer space and ultimately, land on the moon. (Or if your really ambitious, try and land on one of the further out planets. Not that easy actually! So far I have no issues with getting into space... There is however... ONE problem. By the time I AM in space... I have no more fuel. But soon that will all change!

 "High Monster", as I have called this wonderful craft above, is basically one giant container of fuel attached to multiple rockets. As the rocket goes into the atmosphere, it breaks off empty fuel containers, thus becoming lighter and faster. The biggest problem that I currently have? Same as the others. I hit space, got no more fuel...

Kerbal Space Program uses what's called "Stages" to get a rocket into space. Generally speaking, every time you advance in a stage (Which you determine), you break off bits of your rocket that you dont need anymore. The idea is that you stagger each layer of fuel usage to the jets, and also use jets in different stages to achieve the maximum effectiveness of liftoff. Coming down is a matter of remembering to use the parachute. (Or if your really skilled, land on the runway...

 I always get a good feeling when I see my spacecraft lift off. Although it becomes quite clear that the game doesnt exactly have the most stunning graphics, the gameplay is quite good, especially with lift off. Seeing all that exhaust hitting the ground as you rise majestically into the air is quite good. Unless of course your designing is quite poor, in which case you come crashing back down to the ground in what can be quite a stunning explosion.
 And then, seeing the planet below while you achieve orbit? Always a good feeling. It's interesting to see here that most of the time, I shut my engines off. The speed at which I have left the planet easily makes up for any chance of a decaying orbit. Infact, in order to correctly get to the moon, I very often have to make adjustments. The game is quite realistic in this respect.
This ship I designed, named Space Born 1, runs fairly smoothly... Well, along the runway. So far no craft I have created is capable of lifting up off the runway, despite having a speed of over 180 meters per second. I think this might be an oversight of the developers. Either that, or I am a sucky pilot...

Overall rating? 8/10

There's a few things about the game that annoy me. You cant exactly fly plane in the atmosphere because the controls are too heavy (Too hard) and you almost always end up crashing back down onto the surface.

Secondly, I have so far found it impossible to make a successful launch on the provided runway. Either it is too short or it's just a severe oversight. Still, the explosions of failure are always spectacular.

BUT, the game is very fun - and a bit addictive. There's that push to design the perfect spacecraft, adjusting bits here and there, trying to make it as easy as possible to get into space. I once saw a video on youtube where someone successfully put a spacestation (Custom content, not included) into orbit around the planet, and THAT was impressive!


And finally, a simple phrase for a special someone who knows who they are. Perhaps they would like to attempt to decipher this message...

Plans are being made, oh dear one.
Many plans, both small and large.
And the time for enactment is nearly upon you.
So wake up. Wake up and face the task at hand....

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